Finally... I no need to aunty here aunty there anymore ♥ I no need to help aunty jaga rumah anymore ♥ I no need to take care of those small kids anymore ♥ I no need to been kacau by that little hong hong anymore ♥ I no need to worry my thing will be spoiled by little hong hong anymore ♥ I no need to be a primary school "teacher" anymore ♥ Finally... I moved out from the house!!! XD RynRyn~ T_T finally.... hahax The most horrible time since I came to Kampar @_@ I come here for my study... ==" not for being your kid's 保姆 You didn't pay me for take care and teach your child yet I still have to pay you the rental... 2 days later I'll go back to that house to take my RM20 after that... I will never step into there anymore! >_< This few days really headache for those experiment reports @_@ make me really miss my secondary school so muchx I like my fb status~ XD Last time when got experiment report to do I have RynRyn's and Sin's to...