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Showing posts from June, 2010

Moved out~ ♥

Finally... I no need to aunty here aunty there anymore ♥ I no need to help aunty jaga rumah anymore ♥ I no need to take care of those small kids anymore ♥ I no need to been kacau by that little hong hong anymore ♥ I no need to worry my thing will be spoiled by little hong hong anymore ♥ I no need to be a primary school "teacher" anymore ♥ Finally... I moved out from the house!!! XD RynRyn~ T_T finally.... hahax The most horrible time since I came to Kampar @_@ I come here for my study... ==" not for being your kid's 保姆 You didn't pay me for take care and teach your child yet I still have to pay you the rental... 2 days later I'll go back to that house to take my RM20 after that... I will never step into there anymore! >_< This few days really headache for those experiment reports @_@ make me really miss my secondary school so muchx I like my fb status~ XD Last time when got experiment report to do I have RynRyn's and Sin's to...

Y宝贝~ ♥

First test coming soon If not mistaken will be started on next week but I'm haven't start to ready for it @_@ yet I missed today's Physical Chemistry lecture class [because of sleep over time xD] and the thing that make me most shocked is Youka and Xin Ying missed the same class because of the same reason =_=" is this what we called 有默契? XD I ♥ the new life here [Kampar, Perak] I ♥ my new class here [Z Y1S1 6] I ♥ my new friends here [...] I ♥ my new classmates here [some guys I still don't know their names~] I ♥ my new best friends here [YouKa and Xin YinG] [I miss my 'old' best friends too xD] -- Appreciate it --

♥ 替自己加油

从开学到现在 已经结束第三个星期了 慢慢开始真正的踏上学习的轨道 适应新的教学方式…… 之前听学长说过UTAR的Foundation不容易考 那时还不以为然 认为顶多多付出些心思啃书,绝不会难倒自己的 上个星期听教授说 上个学期总共1800多个学生 只有七百多位通过所有科目的考试 开始担心,开始害怕 害怕自己通不过考试 重考一科要付六百多块钱 每加一科再加两百多 天!@_@ 信心完完全全地被打垮………… 想念家乡之际 我也很enjoy这里的生活 少了父母的束缚 在这什么都是自由 但亦答应自己不会踏出自己应走的轨道 玩乐之余,功课学业还是排在第一 我不知道是UTAR向来都阳盛阴衰 还是Foundation in Science男生比较多 又或是第六组比较特别? 全班二十五个人 女生竟然只有九个 所以大致上算起来~全班女生都认识全班女生? XD 我知道这句话有点怪怪的~ 哈哈 最友好的莫过于我的两个Y宝贝~Youka & Ying[欣筠] 3个Practical Class都跟她们同组 ^_^V 两个都是花痴~ 在lecture hall“公然告白”~ 建议你们下次不妨换个地点~就Block C Cafeteria~XD [我爆你们的料~先跑远远~哇咔咔] 那张纸还在我手上~别想威胁我哈~~ =D 然后还有--Chelgy, Jia Wen, Chia Yee, Jia Yee,迎欢和美金 交新朋友的感觉还真不错 =) 我惜 - 缘 ♥

Miss ♥

Tutorial and practical class started d every week I have 5 sets of tutorial questions and 3 reports to be done T_T I feel lazy I feel lazy LAZY~!!! >_< Going to move out soon~ excited~ hehe ^_^ ♥ I miss Miss my hometown ♥ Miss my sweet home ♥ Miss all my dear friends ♥ Miss my 3 best friends ♥ Miss my family ♥ Miss my mum ♥ so much so much... RYN~~ once again remember ur blog har~!! XD MIMI also nah~ =P

Weekend ♥

Different with KB at Kampar weekend is on Saturday and Sunday Mum Friday afternoon came here by bus stay at here 1 night past 2 days spent my times with family Friday night brought bro went CC =D After CC 12 midnight supper with mum and dad~ yesterday went to Ipoh for lunch XD ...... ♥ Enjoy the time when family was around ♥ Today spent most of my time at CC @_@ Facebook~ Maple~ and XDO-ing~ hehe Last week we just started our lecture class so we have not much homeworks or assignment to do~ Tomorrow onwards tutorial and practical class will be started @_@ I don't think after this I will have much free times to spend on these things~ This 1-year foundation course is very important to me hope that I can do it well~ and reach my target...

Start Study ♥

Course: ♥ Foundation in Science leading to Biomedical Science ♥ Subjects taken: ♥ Biology ♥ Chemistry ♥ Mathematic ✖ Physic ✖ Critical Thinking The subject that I hate the most -- Physic >_ but it is listed as 1 of my subjects taken +_+ I must score at least 3.5 for every test and 3.9/above for the final test so that I can get scholarship for my degree but now... with PHYSIC there I'm not sure I can do it or not T_T Critical Thinking @_@ I still don't know what is this looking forward to it =D My new study life at Kampar ♥ started on Monday(31/5) Foundation in Science we have 24 groups I'm in the 6th group (Z Y1S1 6) [Sek in 23th while Viri in 24th] this week we have only lecture class 6 groups combined study in 1 lecture hall @_@ Tutorial class and Practical class will be started on next week University life ♥ -- Around 200 ppl in 1 lecture hall O__O -- 4 books cost us about RM300 =_=" -- Must have a lab coat when entering lab which cost RM40 @_@ -- All lecture not...