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Showing posts from October, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Another 1 week passed and my bloggie was being abandoned again. Hmmm boring uni life without besties beside me :( have nth much to talk about my daily life. This blog post is for the Liebster Blog Award Thanks to Rkang for passing this to me.  ♥   :) About Liebster Blog Award The Liebster Blog Award is given up to and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is a German word which means 'favourite' , so that makes 'flavorite blog award' . The rule is answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who gave you this award. In order to accept this prestigious award, one must abide the list of rules which are: Each person must list 11 things about themselves. Answer the 11 questions that the blogger has set for you. Create 11 questions by your own for the 11 people you will nominate on this award. Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them yo your post. Go to their page and inform them that you nominated them. Absol...

Recently. The Short sem ♥

Abandoned my bloggie again. Haha It's the second week of this short sem. Week 7 is around the corner very soon. I have took 3 subjects for this sem: Introduction to Sociology , Entrepreneurship and Pendidikan Moral 3 lessons past and our Sociology lecturer canceled her class for 2 times already and I still haven't found the textbook needed for this subject At the same time I heard seniors said that this subject is not easy to score so hmmm.. god bless us please. I don't want to fail any subject anymore. So far every subject have 1 assignment each, one of the presentation might be started on week 3 and the most unacceptable thing is Moral assignment group had been assigned by our lecturer which means I have to work out the assignment with a group of totally strangers :( most of my groupmates are passive including me... At last I have to force myself to be more active or else we will end up with no one talking and ta...

The End of The Holiday

話說在前① :老實說我用慣了Sony Hazel電話的相機(有auto focus) 換smart phone后要自己點螢幕去Focus,結果拍出來的照片幾乎全都不堪入目   話說在前② :有誰知道關於大腿骨折的東東,比如吃喝方面該注意什麽之類的 還是其他的任何相關資料,拜託給我留個信息吶   ♥  感激不盡!^^ 10月2日 生了兩個星期多的霉,那天 幾經辛苦 終於說服媽媽讓我去登嘉樓一趟 主要是去“賣”我這兩個星期生出來的霉 ~ XD 待了一個星期,基本上在那裡也是睡+吃而已 囧 幾乎每一晚出去跟他的朋友喝茶,吃了我人生中的第四和第五客牛扒 :P 上面的照片是登嘉樓很有名的五星級Ri-Yaz Heritage Resort 一杯橙汁要RM10,一杯高腳杯的分量(很不多 -___-") 不過是他的朋友請客   哇哈哈哈   他家之前養了四隻Sugar Glider,後來病死了兩隻剩下兩隻 之前第一次看到的時候還很小隻,很可愛  ♥ 這次大了很多很多,所以我不太敢碰他們 很多動物其實它們真的很可愛,只是我也不知道自己爲什麽不敢碰他們    半夜的時候超好動的,某隻還咬了我兩下  囧 10月8日 待了一個星期,某Bun他就跟我一起回吉蘭丹 下午四點的巴士,媽媽還七早八早打電話來order登嘉樓特產Keropok Lekor(俗稱“狗屎”  ) 怎知半路在巴士上就收到爸爸的電話說小弟車禍大腿骨折,他正從吉隆坡趕回去 姐姐因為在實習期間不能請太多天的假期,所以星期四才回去 我只知道事情發生的當晚電話一直響不停,特別是老媽的 老媽的打不進就找我和大弟,第二天早上Viber還收到在新加坡的表姐發來的信息 連某Bun都說消息傳的超快的  後來應小姑的要求所以才拍了這些照片放上FB讓她看看 聽老媽子說原本政府醫院打算拉直他的骨先用石膏固定著,再排隊等做手術 = = 所以後來媽媽決定轉到私人醫院,雖然費用貴些 但至少第二天早上能直接動手術置入...