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Showing posts from April, 2010

Training ♥

3rd week dy I almost everyday go driving school Kota Raya Driving School @_@ c till sienz just hope I can fast fast done it den nilai n ujian n LICENSE!!! >_ I hate smokers [but my dar is also a smoker +_+ haiz...] today go practice as usual Pak Cik Nor was the 1 who teach me every times I go practice he is a nice teacher bcoz he is really patience enough though I make mistakes quite oftenly [today saw some1 get scold by her teacher when learning parking +_+] but today I got a bit 'hate'? him... he smoke when teaching me >_ though this is not the 1st time normally when teaching parking he will get down from the car then he just start smoking~ finish it dy he just back into the car but today... he back into the car holding the cigarette GOSH! @_@ can't stand with that smell but I still have to stand it until I done today's practice +_+


Status: Offered Course Offered: Foundation in science...[bla bla bla] Campus: Perak Campus yesterday still worrying~~ uhh~ finally! >_ but... Perak Campus hahahaha... my sis told me she will be at Perak campus also so I applied Perak campus and... she get KL campus =_=" what the... luckily dar also will study at Kampar ^_^ but different school @_@ Still thinking wanna consider other suggestion or not maybe sth like Monash, Taylor, Sunway or ermm... Methodist College? @_@ don't know anything about Methodist college a suggestion given by a friend~ and many many sth more a 'bundle' of suggestion given by aunt... colleges, universities, scholarships Gosh~ blurred me +_+ too many suggestion I'm the 1 who headache Fees... and Pre-U courses ha! >_ Foundation? A-level? STPM? what AUSMAT? and...??? anything more? I don't know =_=" uhh... @_@


Tomorrow going to school got a bit feeling like don't want to go just to receive award we are asked to wear formal attire what stupid rule like this we are not going for dinner or whatever formal party now so sienz +_+ Applied foundation of science I think I most likely choose UTAR as it won't as lousy as the government universities it's fees also won't cost a lot I don't want to add more burden onto my parents but until now my application status still pending my sis already get it QS at KL campus... how if I can't get it? though many said I sure can get it but...... haiz~ forget about it bah >_ me myself also don't know what's going wrong with me now feeling down......


can anyone tell me anything about UTAR? now my mind totally blank +_+ I don't know whether it is a right choice or just like what dad said with the result that I get it's not worth enough for me to study at UTAR but getting straight As doesn't means that I must study oversea.... I knew they very wish that I can get the JPA Scholarship ya that means I can study oversea but... thinking about my performance during interview haha x_x I really don't think I can get it Only Ketereh, Kelantan interview centre have at least maybe 300++? chosen to go interview whole Malaysia total how many thousands people are competing? only 30 will be chosen aha... I don't think I'm so lucky =) I told mum I preferred study at UTAR sis also say if I study at UTAR mum n dad no need afford so high cost as I will be given full scholarship by UTAR automatically but I heard something a rumor saying that holding UTAR's cert hard to find job in the future bcoz it had been ban by a big com...

B0RinG D@yS

Damn boring >_ staying at home sleep + eat + bath + online anymore?...... 颓废的生活 无聊到爆! 上网上到“显”掉 看书一天看完两本... xD 闷 闷 闷 昨天惹他生气了 哇~ >_ 他从来没对我发过那么大的脾气的 可是是自己忘记自己答应过他的事的 然后又没告诉他 结果他自己发现了 说感觉我好像在骗他 哇呜~我无意的啦 T_T 还好最后哄回了 咔咔~ =P 为了他 做了一些我以前绝对不会做的事 呼呼~ 他满意就好 我无所谓 =) Love you dar dar~ ^^

✣ JPA Sch0l@rShiP [InT3rVi3w] ✣

First time go for an interview and I think it is a terrible 1 >_< + I'm feeling unwell since morning... Went on about 12.30pm it took about half an hour to reach the interview center as Politeknik Kota Bharu was located at Ketereh before I reach there I had already knew that I'm in the last group and also the last in the group arg~ should b say my name was the last in the name list for Panel 2[2nd floor] haha... am I too lucky or unlucky? @_@ Arrived there on about 1.15pm sit on car 15 minutes talking with my sis b4 go laporkan diri =) damn hot whether don't want get down from the car~ haha +_+ around 2pm all calon were asked to go upstairs give all the documents that you ought to bring to the 1 who in charge of this according to your panel then wait for your turns Each group took about 30 to 45 minutes to interview from 2pm wait till 4 something =_=" finally it's my turns frustrated... as I'm feeling not well yet I still hav...

♏ 天蝎座 (23/10 - 22/11) ♏

能促使蝎子爆发深藏的感情的事其实并不多 ✘ 一是欺骗。这种欺骗也许不是很大,也许发生在很好的朋友甚至亲友之间,也许只是一桩小事,但蝎子看来,重要的不是欺骗造成了什么损失,而是欺骗这种行为本身,他认为这是强烈的不信任感,是对他的不尊重。 ✘ 二是侮辱。敏感的蝎子其实并不那么开得起玩笑,当然他们能敏锐地分辨出你话里的真实含义,善意的玩笑他们还是不会拒绝的。但带刺的话他们绝对能马上听出,他能感受到你语气中的真实的感情成分。 ✘ 三是为了他认为重要的人。蝎子是活得孤独的人,他们自己都会发现,自己和许多人是格格不入的,他满脸的笑容很多时候都不是发自内心的,只是为了场合的需要,真正谈得来并懂得他们的朋友一般很少很少。生命中他重视的人他一定会倾力保护,蝎子为了保护那个人时, 显现出的感情是强大的。 我第一次这么相信 原来其实星座性格也有很真实的时候。 ✘欺骗✘ 自己曾经体验过 或许自己该承认 那其实并不是很严重的一件事 但对蝎子来说 欺骗并不只是欺骗那么简单 当有一天 你从另一个人口中知道 自己一向信任的朋友 在你背后说了你不少坏话 这是何等的心痛? 这是何等的失望? 自己一直认为是深交的好友 转到另一面 却是另一个表面 对不起的背后 是否还有藏了什么? 蝎子多疑的性格 不是不信任 而是盲目信任之后的伤害 为了保护自己才在周围筑起的一道墙。 ✘侮辱✘ 敏感的蝎子 外表看似坚强 看似什么都不在乎 但内心 却是经不起一点伤害 对于含有恶意的话语 心思敏感的蝎子 是能感受到的 也许你认为自己掩饰得很好 但深不可测的蝎子 比谁都能隐藏情感 当一切都已成为公开的秘密 你真的认为凭那一两句话 就能掩盖你的想法吗? 你就尽量去散播 蝎子依然可以活得很自在。 ✘为了重要的人✘ 蝎子很重视自己认为自己很重要的人 在蝎子心中占有位置的 往往不会很多 却都是他认为最知心的 对于那些人 蝎子可以为了他们而不顾一切 同时 最在乎他们的蝎子 是容不下这些人对他的背叛 即使只是小事一桩 也足于让蝎子深感失望 甚至怨恨 爱之深,怨之切 当蝎子认定他们是重要的 蝎子会非常重视与他们的感情 盲目的信任。