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can anyone tell me anything about UTAR?
now my mind totally blank +_+
I don't know whether it is a right choice
or just like what dad said
with the result that I get
it's not worth enough for me to study at UTAR
but getting straight As
doesn't means that I must study oversea....

I knew they very wish that I can get the JPA Scholarship
ya that means I can study oversea
but... thinking about my performance during interview
haha x_x I really don't think I can get it
Only Ketereh, Kelantan interview centre
have at least maybe 300++? chosen to go interview
whole Malaysia total how many thousands people are competing?
only 30 will be chosen
aha... I don't think I'm so lucky =)

I told mum I preferred study at UTAR
sis also say if I study at UTAR
mum n dad no need afford so high cost
as I will be given full scholarship by UTAR automatically

but I heard something
a rumor
saying that holding UTAR's cert hard to find job in the future
bcoz it had been ban by a big company?? @_@
it is about the discipline problem
especially Kampar campus?
but he still encourage me to study till master
at UTAR....
that means...??
I don't know =_="
wondering the rumor is truth or not
now a lots of question running in my mind @_@


  1. Actually I don't know much about UTAR, nor do I knew anything about the rumour. But still, it is an IMPORTANT thing to to choose wisely.

    First, you have to know which course you really want, which I think you have already decided. Next, you have to know the details about your course. Then, where is the most suitable place for you to study that particular course.

    Consider these:
    1) After I graduate, where will my expertise be needed? Is it in Malaysia or overseas?
    2) Will the certificate of the university/college of my choice recognised by most? (This is important as you don't really want to be jobless after you graduated)
    3) If I wanted this college, but its certificate is only recognised by certain companies, which I don't prefer, can I use it to pursue master elsewhere, which will be far more better?
    4) Will the university of my choice provide a good career pathway for me?
    5) How about the fees? Can I apply for scholarship or loan?

    I know it is very confusing. Believe me, I've been through this, even until now(but better already). But what to do? Who told me to choose this course? Haha...

    p/s: for no. 5, you need not to worry, as your results are excellent.

    I think that's all. If you have any questions, you can call me. You can even call the university of your choice to clear your doubts. But if you find my suggestions are way too confusing, you can just ignored it.

    All The Best,


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