[M3 n my sIs]-[t@k3n duRinG br3@k f0r lUncH]
Today was a 'special' day for me =_="
first time working
first time being promoter...
promoting ribena...
OMG~ I'm really frustrated
when promoting those stupid package >_<
I rather packing or selling in front of the stall
felt disgrace +_+ when being rejected!!!
Damn hot whether...
I think I shouldn't complain so much
bcoz it was already much more better than NS~
+ got sooooo much ice some more =_=
first time I hate the ice...
it make my hands damn pain!
even til now...
still feeling....... >_<
Saw Mama Faridah at the Ribena stall
quite shock
don't even think that I would meet my NS camp's teacher
at Jom Heboh =_=
wearing uniform buying ribena~ hehe ^_^
suddenly miss PLKN Batu Jong so muchx~
2molo still gotta work~
I really don't want promoting anymore!!!!
Please please don't want to be in promoting group anymore~~!!!
--speechless--feeling down--moody--
--if u can't then u don't promise--
--I remember I had told u this--
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