[Stop the background music before playing this video :)]
上個星期為了Moral的Assignment - Euthanasia (安樂死)
拍了一個短短的video documentary
基本上我們五個人在剛認識 + 沒人會edit video的情況下
用一個iPad和windows movie maker弄了這樣的一團東西出來
感覺好像也已經很不錯下了 XD 哈哈
特別感謝Raymond(劇里的男主角)的女朋友Venice和朋友Alvyn,感恩 ♥
還有很多的不足我們都來不及改進,有些情節也被逼砍掉 :(
要等夕陽反而等來一場大雨,結果可憐Xin Yi的iPad陪我們淋了不少雨 >_<
這樣可憐兮兮的一個故事放上“大螢幕” (我們在lecture hall presentation~)
我們這班“製作團隊”在旁邊笑不停,觀眾也一直在笑不停 囧
不過還好沒有冷場~ 什麽都不怕就最怕冷場!
小小聲:感覺好像很Pro一下叻 XD
Director: Caelyn Yip & Catherine Liw
Scriptwriter: Raymond Yong
Editor: Catherine Liw
Producer: Catherine Liw
Video Crew: Alvyn Chan, Caelyn Yip, Catherine Liw, Raymond Yong, Raphael Wei Siang, Venice Yuen Kuan, Yong Xin Yi
Main Cast: Raymond Yong & Venice Yuen Kuan
Supporting Cast: Alvyn Chan, Caelyn Yip, Yong Xin Yi
Story line:
A young couple having their sweet university life in UTAR Kampar. One day, when they are jogging in the garden together, the main character, Raymond suddenly faint. The doctor tells him that he had lung cancer and left only one month time. Beside his bed, another patient also suffering from cancer and asks doctor for pill to end his life (euthanasia). Raymond saw that and asked for the same thing too. The patient beside his bed swallowed the pill before him and died, his wife run to him but it is too late. She cried for the passing of her husband without any psychological preparation. When Raymond wanted to swallow the pill too, his girlfriend, Venice come in and stop him. They flash back their happy memory with each other and Raymond tends to spend the last month of his life with Venice and go travel around. Miracle happened as Raymond dies after two years. One day, when Venice was sitting at the lakeside, she saw the wife of the patient that chose for euthanasia still very sad for her husband death. Venice feels pleased for Raymond not choosing euthanasia at last and leaving her sweet memories.
就這樣我們的video處女作告一段落 ~
接下來剩下的都是written assignment,還有sociology的presentation
昨天原本有event meeting和sociology assignment discussion的
結果爲了上面那堆藥,放人家飛機 >_<
今天也放了噢添祥超大一架飛機~ 對不起婆婆 :P
最近右眼每天不時會癢,還要不分晝夜那種,破壞心情影響睡眠 = =
媽媽也說過可能只是對灰塵敏感,因為媽媽一換了床單就不會癢了 囧
滴眼藥水的時候有時還會有灼熱感,昨天還刺痛,痛到眼淚都流出來了 >_<
最近的兩次門診都是因為細菌感染 = = 我defense system好爛....
Delete不過這類事不多啊,而且我讀的course只有minor subject能讓我學到一些不一樣的東西。
Moral dan etika ? Haha ,我也是需要拍video,但是剩2个星期却懒惰动手。
ReplyDeletePendidikan Moral~
Delete像這樣的劣作一個星期就能弄好了,如果你不介意的話 哈哈哈